Theme: 100 Years of Children Service and Beyond: Christ our Example
Texts: Psalm 127:1-4, Ephesians 6:1-4, Mark 10:13-16
Occasion: Children Service Centenary Celebration
Hundred years in the life of the Children Service in the upbringing of our Kids in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana is worth celebrating because it has nurtured people to become responsible citizens who are currently manning the various sectors of the economy. What would have happened to us a as Church and a nation if these people did not receive any form of guidance or direction from this department?
It does no good to build and guard our houses, cities and churches if there are no future generations to inherit them and keep the family, city, nation and the Church going.Each child brings blessings which needs to be unearthed, nurtured and enhanced to make him more productive in the nation building.It was customary for parents to bring their children to the rabbis for a blessing,and so it was reasonable that they would bring the little ones to Jesus.The disciples rebuked the parents who brought the kids and tried to keep them away from Jesus. They probably thought they were doing Him a favour by helping to protect His time and conserve His strength because He was overly tired and exhausted after a hectic day's work. In other words,they did not consider the children to be important.Has this attitude towards children changed for the better or for the worse in recent years?Jesus also rebuked the disciples and rather beckoned them to come to His open arms.Jesus commended the children and called the Adults to rather be like the children.Jesus was speaking about the unspoilt children, not those who were trying to act like adults.They were commended because they live by faith.They fully depend on the mercy and grace of God. The various courts of the Church, the children service teachers, the Groups especially the Youth and all other members have contributed immensely to the robust nature of the children service we have today.However, there is a lot more to be done to be able to continue to perform it's role creditably to move the entire Church to an admirable position we all envisage.Where are the Church,parents and the entire Adults members dragging our eet? Where are we failing? What have we not done yet for the children service? You Congregation and you as an individual what is your personal vision for the future of the children service?
1. There is a graduated Christian Education that enhances proper and total nurturing of the total person with the children service being the starting point.
2. It has sustained the growth of the Church because it is evidently clear that the growth has always being from the children service. Without it our growth would have been a disaster.
3. It has preserved our kids ffor the Lord and also from being lost to the other denominations or going wayward completely.
4. It has preserved our heritage as a Church: the presbyterianism.
5. Some of the children have brought their parents and their Guardians to the Church.
6. It has become a force to reckon with because they have also become a key stakeholder in the day to day activities of the Church.
1. Assess the methodology and the strategies used over the years to be able to do a meaningful ministry in our dispensation and beyond.
2. Review the way things have been done over the years to be able to improve upon it.
3. Budget and invest adequately in the activities of the children service.
4. Meaningfully integrate the children fully in the life of the Church, so that some adults will not continue to treat them the way the disciples did.
5. Design new programs that will help the kids to unearth their hidden talents to enhance their personal lives.
1.Jesus showed love to the kids who were nearly driven away because they saw them as nuisance.The Adults need to show extreme love to the children to be able to win their confidence.
2. He did not allow the disciples to intimidate the children.Parents, Church elders and the Adults should not intimidate the kids let alone allow others to intimidate them in anyway.
3. Jesus gave them the best of what He had. Adults are to remember that our kids expect the best from us. Don't ever do anything to betray the trust they have proposed in you.
4. He used His personal life to guide them.Parents,adults and the leaders of the Church should always remember that the kids are watching us.Learn to be truthful, genuine and transparent as far as it is possible because we are their role model.
5. He used the kids to teach the Adults. Children have a lot of good things the Adults can learn from.Don't behave as if you know everything.Be humble to be taught.
Jesus is our perfect example.
How are you going to become an example to your kids and the other kids in your vicinity and the Church?
Jesus is looking up to you.
Be an ambassador for the children service.
How do you want to see the children service in the next fifty years?
What is your personal contribution to make this dream happen?
Prayer Topics
1. Pray for the children service of our Church
2. Pray against streetism in our country
3. Pray for parents to continue to be role models for their children
4. Pray for accident free Christmas
God richly bless you!